World Health Organisation Overreach

A Direct Attack on Border and Bodily Sovereignty


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a draft, so-called “Pandemic Treaty” triggered by cross-member working group report named, “ZERO DRAFT Report of the Member States Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness for and Response to Health Emergencies to the special session of the World Health Assembly.”

The WHO plans to finalise and enact this treaty globally at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. The working group consists of 194 member states, including the UK government, with Boris Johnson being an initial signatory.

How Does It Affect You?

There are several concerning items in this draft document that can have far-reaching implications for countries and their citizens. Some key aspects include:

  1. Requirement of governments to legally sign up to this new Pandemic Framework, removing nation and bodily sovereignty.
  2. Acknowledgment that the current International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) do not go far enough in terms of legal power for WHO intervention. They want more power.
  3. Agreements that member states’ health resources may be used to support countries less prepared during a pandemic, including access to health provisions, services, technology, and resource sharing across borders, under the concept of a “One Health Approach” aiming to achieve a Universal Primary Healthcare system.
  4. Sharing of UK citizens’ personal data and bodily fluid samples (pathogen sharing) during a future pandemic.
  5. Authorisation for WHO officials to enter a country for intervention purposes where there is a disease outbreak.
  6. Agreements to increase health surveillance in each country by the WHO.
  7. Concerns regarding the impact on national sovereignty have been raised by member states in this document.
  8. Mandating of each country’s financial institutions to support a “one health, whole-government, whole-society” approach to tackling future pandemics.

For Spen Valley constituents, there are critical implications concerning bodily sovereignty.

The idea of personal medical information and bodily fluids being shared with a global organisation, outside our own healthcare system and beyond democratic accountability, is frankly alarming.

What Do I think?

The extent of overreach proposed by the WHO’s draft Pandemic Treaty is astonishing, and the UK must avoid entanglement in it. If the government seeks further involvement, I firmly believe there should be a British Referendum on the topic. You can find the draft treaty here: ZERO Draft WHO Pandemic Treaty February 2023Opens in a new tab.

It is disconcerting that the WHO has been deeply involved in negotiations with member countries, including the UK, without sufficient parliamentary debate.

Despite a parliamentary petition in November 2022 with 156,086 signatures, the only forced debate occurred in April 2023, in which the government expressed support for a new Pandemic Treaty. There are concerns that some aspects will be implemented “by the back door” using the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), to which the UK is already a signatory.

The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has been established to promote this treaty across member countries, and there have been several meetings involving the UK in March, April, December 2022, and February and March 2023 already. The minutes of these meetings can be found here: WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body WebsiteOpens in a new tab.

It is crucial for Britain to oppose this treaty now, as a first draft of the legally binding treaty is being negotiated, with UK engagement occurring at present, and the aim is to finalise it by May 2024.

The time for action is NOW! We must ensure that our national sovereignty and citizens’ rights are protected from these insidious steps. See here for more information: WHO Treaty IntentionsOpens in a new tab.